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规则3.4: 公平对待对方及靠谱的滚球平台

   (a) Obstruct another party’s access to evidence or alter, 摧毁, 或者隐瞒证据, or counsel or assist another person to do so, 如果靠谱的滚球平台合理地知道证据在任何未决或即将发生的诉讼中是或可能是发现或传讯的主题. 除非法律禁止, a lawyer may receive physical evidence of any kind from the client or from another person. If the evidence received by the lawyer belongs to anyone other than the client, the lawyer shall make a good-faith effort to preserve it and to return it to the owner, 受规则1约束.6;
   (b)伪造证据, counsel or assist a witness to testify falsely, or offer an inducement to a witness that is prohibited by law;
   (d)审前程序, 提出无意义的证据开示请求或未能作出合理的勤勉努力来遵守对方提出的合法的证据开示请求;
   (e)审判中, 暗指靠谱的滚球平台不合理地认为与本案有关或没有可采证据支持的任何事项, assert personal knowledge of facts in issue except when testifying as a witness, or state a personal opinion as to the justness of a cause, 证人的可信度, 民事诉讼当事人的罪责, 或被告有罪或无罪;

      (1) The person is a relative or an employee or other agent of a client; and
      (2) The lawyer reasonably believes that the person’s interests will not be adversely affected by refraining from giving such information; or
   (g) Peremptorily strike jurors for any reason prohibited by law.


   对抗性制度的程序考虑到案件中的证据是由争议各方竞争性地整理的. 对抗制中的公平竞争是通过禁止销毁或隐瞒证据来保证的, 不正当地影响证人, obstructive tactics in discovery procedure, 诸如此类.
   [2] Documents and other items of evidence are often essential to establish a claim or defense. 根据证据特权, 反对党的权利, 包括政府, to obtain evidence through discovery or subpoena is an important procedural right. The exercise of that right can be frustrated if relevant material is altered, 隐藏, 或销毁. To the extent clients are involved in the effort to comply with discovery requests, 靠谱的滚球平台的义务是尽合理的努力,确保提交符合适当的证据开示要求的文件和其他信息. 许多司法管辖区的适用法律规定,在未决诉讼或可预见开始的诉讼中,为了损害材料的可用性而销毁材料是一种犯罪行为. Falsifying evidence is also generally a criminal offense. Paragraph (a) applies to evidentiary material generally, including computerized information.
   [3]第(a)段允许, 但不要求, 靠谱的滚球平台不得从客户或任何其他人处接受物证(包括犯罪工具或收益). 该收据为, 如(a)段所述, 以法律的其他规定和(a)款关于阻碍进入的限制为限, 变更, 破坏, 或隐藏, 并须符合(a)款关于将财产归还其合法拥有人的要求, and to the obligation to comply with subpoenas and discovery requests. “证据”一词包括靠谱的滚球平台合理地知道在任何未决或即将发生的诉讼中可能被发现或传唤的任何文件或实物. 看到 D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台公会法律道德委员会意见第1号. 检验文件的销毁是否针对未决或几乎肯定要提起的具体诉讼。.
   靠谱的滚球平台应当确定靠谱的滚球平台对文件或其他实物的处理不违反任何其他法律. 联邦刑法可禁止在第(a)段所述道德规则未涵盖的情况下销毁文件或其他实物。. 看,e.g., 18 U.S.C. § 1503 (obstruction of justice); 18 U.S.C. § 1505 (obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees); 18 U.S.C. § 1510 (obstruction of criminal investigations). 在哥伦比亚特区,知道或有理由知道官方诉讼程序已经开始或可能被提起更改的人都是犯罪, 摧毁, or conceal a document with intent to impair its integrity or availability for use in the proceeding. D.C. 法典§22-723 (2001). 最后, 一些具有法律效力的证据开示规则可能禁止销毁文件和其他材料,即使诉讼尚未未决或即将发生. This rule does not set forth the scope of a lawyer’s responsibilities under all applicable laws. It merely imposes on the lawyer an ethical duty to make reasonable efforts to comply fully with those laws. The provisions of paragraph (a) prohibit a lawyer from obstructing another party’s access to evidence, 从改变, 破坏, 或者隐瞒证据. These prohibitions may overlap with criminal obstruction provisions and civil discovery rules, but they apply whether or not the prohibited conduct violates criminal provisions or court rules. 因此, 靠谱的滚球平台对证据的篡改, whether or not such conduct violates criminal law or court rules, constitutes a violation of paragraph (a).
   [5] Because of the duty of confidentiality under Rule 1.6, 靠谱的滚球平台通常被禁止在未经当事人知情同意的情况下主动提供从当事人那里获得的物证信息. 在某些情况下, the 纪律大靠谱的滚球平台办公室 will accept physical evidence from a lawyer and then turn it over to the appropriate persons; in those cases this procedure is usually the best means of delivering evidence to the proper authorities without disclosing the client’s confidences. 然而, Disciplinary Counsel may refuse to accept evidence; thus lawyers should keep the following in mind before accepting evidence from a client, 并应与纪律顾问办公室讨论在特定情况下可能采用的程序.
   [6]第一, 如果从委托人处收到的证据在靠谱的滚球平台持有期间被传唤或以其他方式要求通过发现程序, the lawyer will be obligated to deliver the evidence directly to the appropriate persons, unless there is a basis for objecting to the discovery request or moving to quash the subpoena. 因此,靠谱的滚球平台应告知当事人证据可能受到传讯或发现的风险, and of the lawyer’s duty to turn the evidence over in that event, 在从客户那里接受它之前.
   [7]第二, if the lawyer has received physical evidence belonging to the client, 为了检查或测试的目的, 靠谱的滚球平台可以 later return the property to the client pursuant to Rule 1.15, 提供 that the evidence has not been subpoenaed. 靠谱的滚球平台将物证归还给委托人是没有正当理由的,而当事人本应拥有这些物证 本身 illegal, such as certain drugs and weapons. And if it is reasonably apparent that the evidence is not the client’s property, 靠谱的滚球平台可以 not retain the evidence or return it to the client. 而不是, 靠谱的滚球平台必须, 根据(a)段, make a good-faith effort to return the evidence to its owner. 规则3.第4(a)条使此义务受规则1的约束.6. 规则1.6(c), (d) and (e) describe circumstances in which a lawyer may reveal information otherwise protected by Rule 1.6. 如果存在这种情况, 靠谱的滚球平台可以, 但不是必须的, reveal information otherwise protected by Rule 1.6 as part of a good-faith effort to preserve the evidence and return it to the owner pursuant to 规则3.4(a).
   [8]关于(b)段, 支付证人的费用或者补偿证人在准备作证过程中损失的时间,都不是不适当的, 在参加, 或者在作证时. 作为专家提供的证人的服务费可视诉讼结果而定, 提供, 然而, 这就是费用, 但前提是恢复, shall not be a percentage of the recovery.
   [9]第(f)段允许靠谱的滚球平台建议客户的雇员不要向另一方提供信息, for the employees may identify their interests with those of the client. 另请参阅 规则4.2.
   bbb第(g)款禁止任何靠谱的滚球平台以任何不允许的理由对准陪审员进行强制性质疑. 不允许的理由包括种族, 性, 在有约束力的司法判决中确定的其他因素在选择陪审团时具有歧视性.
